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  <<<  ���������� humor.filtered archive msg # 14418 ���������  >>>  
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          ����� ����������� Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, ����� ������� ���� � http://hf.kru.to/ (����������� - ������� �����), � ������������ � html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Leo V. Mironoff                     2:5020/293      15 Nov 97  10:34:08
Subj : 4hf? No subject...                                                      
Area : .4HF
From : Klim Arbuzov (2:5030/350), Fri Nov 14 1997 00:55
* Area : WIN95 (WIN95)
* From : Jay Hanig, 1:379/41.5 (����� 05 ����� 1997 15:13)
* Subj : sucks
* Forwarded by Klim Arbuzov =================================================

03 Nov 97 22:49, Chris Roberts wrote to All:

CR> who here other then me thinks that windows 95 sucks it has so many bugs
CR> that need to be fixed up who else agrees with me

    ��  Your message has been   �
    ��  carefully placed in     �                        �------�
    ��  its very own, specially �                    ��  �------�
    ��  prepared, luxuriantly   �                    �� 0�      �
    ��  hand crafted porcelain  �                    ��  �      �
    ��  filing cabinet where    �                    ��  �      �
    ��  it will receive the     �       _____________��  �      �
    ��  dignity and attention   �      (_______________) �-�-�--�
    ��  it deserves.   ------>  �       (             )----� �
    ��      Thank you.          �        (           )-------�
    ��                          �         (_________)
    ��                          �

                       Just Hit Enter/Next to flush.!


--- GoldED/386 2.50+
+ Origin: ** Jay's Mean Machine Sysop *Charlotte, NC* USR 33.6 ** (1:379/41.5)
--- lvm@belcom.ru <- use english here!
* Origin: ������� ���������� �� ���������� � ������� 4hf. ������� (2:5020/293)

--- Squish/386 v1.11
* Origin: - The Endless Quest - (2:5020/293)



