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          Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/ (координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Basil Dolmatov                      2:5020/50.40    14 Oct 94  11:12:50
Subj : Tasteless Secret Santa                                                  
* Forwarded by Basil Dolmatov (2:5020/50.40)
* From : Pamela Beth Ryba, 2:2448/69 (10 Oct 94 15:50)
* To   : *.*
* Subj : Tasteless Secret Santa
@RFC-Distribution: fido7
@RFC-From: pryba@bigwpi.WPI.EDU (Pamela Beth Ryba)
@RFC-Message-ID: <2374984887@f69.n2448.z2.FidoNet.ftn>
So, who wants to be a Tasteless Secret Santa this year? A raising of
assorted pierced or otherwise mutilated genetalia, please?

OKay, here's what you do:

   1) Read list of rules and regulations.

   2) Take the TSS oath.

   3) Fill out the form which follows and send it back to me
      no later than October 31st.

   4) Within a week or two, I will send you the name and mailing
      address of some poor wanker in a furrin state or country
      to whom you will send tasteless tidings. All gifts must be
      mailed by the first week in December.

   5) Please note, even if you have contacted me before, you still
          must fill out a registration form.


-Gifts should cost around fifteen dollars. Last year, many of the gifts
were more expensive, such as video tapes and magazine subscriptions.
Other gifts cost the sender great effort but little cash. This is also
acceptable, as long as your gift is worthy.

-Items must be legal to send through the mail. This counts out infectious
waste, kiddie porn and drugs. Infectious waste includes any bodily fluids,
road-kill, corn studded shit-in-a-jar, used condoms, ripe baby heads primed
for squicking, that kind of thing. If you are in doubt, please contact me.

-Gifts must be mailed as annonymously as possible and in a timely fashion.
Allow extra time if your gift is leaving the country or is going to a
student who will be gone for Christmas break.

-Gifts must be TASTELESS. Again, if you are in doubt or are having trouble
coming up with something, let me know.

-If you want to take part, I strongly suggest that you get your tasteless
tidings together as soon as possible. A lot of people had great ideas
last year, but not enough time to fufill them... don't let that
heartbreak be yours!

-As soon as you recieve your tasteless tidings, don't keep it to
yourself! Post and tell us all about it.

Suggestions, oath and registration form will be posted in a few hours,
as I have a finite elements exam now.


Sexual Engineering Project                        Project Leader: Pamela Ryba
Help wanted. Enquire within. Serious students only. Project to be completed
before the Earth's sun begins to nova. Experience with vibrations a plus.

-+- ifmail v.2.6
+ Origin: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2:5020/400@fidonet)


Hello All!

Cheers, Basil                                   (The Edifying Cat)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0214
* Origin: Edifying Cat's Nest (2:5020/50.40)


