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          Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/ (координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Boris Paleev                        2:5020/113      18 Oct 94  17:58:56
Subj : Top ten reasons to become a woman                                       
║ Forwarded by Dimitri Martemianov (2:5020/306.1)
║ From : cbrooks@ms.uky.edu, 2:50/128 (Среда Сентября 28 1994 23:30)
║ To   : All
║ Subj : Top ten reasons to become a woman
@REPLYADDR cbrooks@ms.uky.edu
@REPLYTO 2:50/128.0@fidonet
X-RealName: Clayton Brooks
Keywords: original, chuckle, gender roles
Approved: funny@clarinet.com

A few years ago, a male workmate (call him John) of someone I know
decided to "officially become a woman" with an operation soon to follow.
I found this to be rather unusual and kept trying to come up with reasons,
some serious -- some silly, why someone would want to do this.  Well,
I found the silly ones to be rather amusing and made up a top ten list
with them.

Disclaimer: This is humor as a reaction to unusual circumstances and
           is not and never was created with bad intentions.

 ***** Top Ten Reasons Why John Is Officially Becoming A Woman *****

10. Lower auto insurance premiums

9. Easier to get job because of hiring quotas

8. Cleaner restrooms

7. Tired of boring men's fashions and wants something new and exciting

6. Women live longer

5. Can get easily picked up in bars

4. Really likes the guy next door but knows that he is not gay

3. Failed to make the _MEN'S_ U.S. Olympic Ski Team

2. Wants to be an assistant to Clarence Thomas to find out
     if "it's really true"

And the number 1 reason why John is officially becoming a woman:

      PMS - An Incredible Sensory Experience!!!

[Clarence Thomas is a U.S. Supreme Court Justice that was accused
     of sexual harassment toward some of his female staff]
Selected by Maddi Hausmann Sojourner.  MAIL your joke to funny@clarinet.com.
Sponsored by ClariNet Communications Corp.
If you post instead of mailing, it screws up the reply-address sometimes.
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

+ Origin:  (2:50/128.0@fidonet)

Приветствую тебя, о Mikel!

4 h.f.? :)

With best regards Saruman the Holder of Palantir
// The Hitch-Hiking Z0ne // Fire Wheelz Gr0up

-+- GoldED 2.42.G0614+
+ Origin: ▓▒░ Orthank ■ (095)PRI-VATE ■ THZ RHQ ■ 14400 ░▒▓ (2:5020/306.1)

Hello All!

Best regards, Boris

--- Ручка шариковая, цена 2.42.G0614+
* Origin: Minas Anor (2:5020/113)


