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          Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/ (координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Leo V. Mironoff                     2:5020/293      20 Sep 98  10:17:34
Subj : Gates = devil revisited                                                 
From : John Horner (), Thu Sep 17 1998 19:30
Two computer people discussing those old stories about Bill Gates' name
adding up to 666 in ASCII:

"I hear that if you play the NT 4.0 CD backwards, you get a satanic

"--That's nothing. If you play it forward, it installs NT 4.0!"

Selected by Jim Griffith.  MAIL your joke to funny@netfunny.com.
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

Remember: PLEASE spell check and proofread your jokes.  You think I have
time to hand-correct everybody's postings? For the full submission guidelines,
see http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/

This joke's link: http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/98/Sep/gatesdevil.html

--- copy con com2
* Origin: Просьба отправлять на фильтрацию с сабджем 4hf. Спасибо (2:5020/293)


