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- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Boris Paleev                        2:5020/113      19 Oct 94  22:52:36
Subj : ---- HYPER MODEM for sale   BRAND NEW TECHNOLOGY  2L-Baud ---           
* Forwarded by Mikel Lavrentyev (2:5020/35.1)
* Area : hnetmail (*****: 35.1 personal mail)
* From : Leonid V. Yakovlev, 2:5030/39 (17 Oct 94 12:05)
* To   : Mikel Lavrentyev, 5020/35.1
* Subj : ---- HYPER MODEM for sale   BRAND NEW TECHNOLOGY  2L-Baud ---

* Originally by baker@sol.cms.uncwil.edu
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 16 Oct 1994, 0:27

X-RealName: Jeffrey Baker
Subject: ---- HYPER MODEM for sale   BRAND NEW TECHNOLOGY  2L-Baud ---


Internal Hyper-Warp Modem for sale, 2L-Baud

This modem exceeds the speed of light.  Thus, the data
arrives a bit before you actually sent it, alleviating
most trouble-shooting and re-transmittal of blocks.  It
leaves you with the option of actually checking the
arrival integrity of the data BEFORE you send it and fixing
it, given the status of its actual arrival prior to sending.

Truly an asset when you'd want to impress the boss... You
simply call your receiving party and ask them "So, how
does that data look that I'm going to send you tomorrow?"
He'll be impressed.

A few rules that you have to follow:

1. Since it arrives before you sent it, you have to agree
  to actually send it when you had initially intended to.

2. You're not allowed to send and receive to the same modem.
  (the same data I mean)

If you're still interested, I can send you more specs
yesterday.  Let me know how you're going to like it,
and we can haggle a bit.


"To know all things is not permitted."   - Horace (65-8 BC)


+ Origin: University of North Carolina @ Wilmington (2:5030/128.0@fidonet.org)

Hello All!

Best regards, Boris

--- Ручка шариковая, цена 2.42.G0614+
* Origin: Minas Anor (2:5020/113)


