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          Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/ (координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Leo V. Mironoff                     2:5020/293      08 Oct 98  21:28:42
Subj : 4hf                                                                     
Area : .4HF
From : Maxim Volkonovsky (2:5020/299), Wed Oct 07 1998 01:22
AVflash            Vol. 4, Issue 40           Monday, October 5, 1998


We can't verify this story, but it seems that aircrews are getting more
resourceful about supplementing their incomes...

An AVweb reader reports that, while sitting in the upper deck business
class front seat of a Cathay Pacific 747 in Taipei, the following
announcement was heard over the cabin PA system: "Ladies and gentlemen,
we are overbooked and are offering anyone $1,000 plus a seat on the next
flight in exchange for their seat on this flight."

After a short pause, the offer was loudly accepted by someone in the

--- copy con com2
* Origin: Просьба отправлять на фильтрацию с сабджем 4hf. Спасибо (2:5020/293)


