Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED,
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- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED - From : Boris Paleev 2:5020/113 15 Dec 94 00:54:18 Subj : Pentium -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= * Forwarded by Boris Paleev (2:5020/113) * Area : BORIS_IN (Incoming mail) * From : Rihards Ziedins, 2:5100/12.21 (Monday December 12 1994 15:13) * To : Boris Paleev * Subj : Pentium ============================================================================= * Forwarded from area : SBC.JOKES (SBC.JOKES) * From Jeff Hancock, 13:205/1 to *.* Hi, Boris! 4 hf =) Digital Richie > --- --- --- I don't know how many of you people have been keeping up to date on INTEL, but they have run into some problems with the floating points on the Pentium chips. After dividing a few time, and the floating point or decimal place exceeds 6 places, the chip total starts f*cking up. You start getting outragous numbers. *** Anyhow here is a little dilly that has been going through *** *** my office, and around the INTERNET. C.I.S. Help Line *** Intel Pentium: Use at Your Own RISC! AMD: We are *almost* Intel compatible. New Pentium Slogans 5 decimal places are ought to be enough for everyone. Fixed versions are definitely out there - honest. One bad opcode wouldn't kill everyone. Computers are too precise for human use. Did you hear about the new abortion pill that will replace RU-486? It's called RU-Pentium. It will prevent the embyro from dividing properly. > --- --- --- === GoldED + Origin: Pixorcist in Riga, Latvia (2:5100/12.21) ============================================================================= Hello All! Best regards, Boris --- Ручка шариковая, цена 2.42.G0614+ * Origin: Minas Anor (2:5020/113)