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          Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/ (координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Boris Paleev                        2:5020/113      20 Dec 94  10:27:52
Subj : 4 h.f.                                                                  
* Forwarded by Pavel Danilov (2:5030/35)
* From : Denis Saveljev, 2:5030/37 (Saturday December 10 1994 02:33)
* To   : Mikel Lavrentyev
* Subj : 4 h.f.
нашел я тут файлик с пpикольными текстами на основе известных композиций.
это начало, так сказать на пpобу. если понpавиться - пpишлю еще.

>Title    : Write in C
>Original : Let it Be
>Group    : Beatles
>Author   : <donna@nic.csu.net>

Write in C

When I find my code in tons of trouble,
Friends and colleagues come to me,
Speaking words of wisdom:
"Write in C."

As the deadline fast approaches,
And bugs are all that I can see,
Somewhere, someone whispers:
"Write in C."

Write in C, Write in C,
Write in C, oh, Write in C.
LOGO's dead and buried,
Write in C.

I used to write a lot of FORTRAN,
For science it worked flawlessly.
Try using it for graphics!
Write in C.

If you've just spent nearly 30 hours
Debugging some assembly,
Soon you will be glad to
Write in C.

Write in C, Write in C,
Write in C, yeah, Write in C.
Only wimps use BASIC.
Write in C.

Write in C, Write in C
Write in C, oh, Write in C.
Pascal won't quite cut it.
Write in C.

Write in C, Write in C,
Write in C, yeah, Write in C.
Don't even mention COBOL.
Write in C.

>Title    : Berkeley 4.3
>Original : Yellow Submarine
>Group    : Beatles
>Author   : Jim Finnis

     In the RAM
     where I was forked,
     lived a ROM,
     who sailed the C...

     And he told,
     me of his life,
     in the Berkeley,

     We all live in the Berkeley 4.3,
     Berkeley 4.3, Berkeley 4.3.
     We all live in the Berkeley 4.3,
     Berkeley 4.3, Berkeley 4.3.

>Title    : The 12 computerised days of Xmas
>Original : The 12 days of Xmas
>Group    : Traditional
>Author   : (Byte 1981?)

On the Twelfth day of Christmas ,
my computer gave to me

Twelve blown-out circuits
Eleven damaged diskettes
Ten disk-drive lockouts
Nine burnt-out fuses
Eight worthless printouts
Seven system resets
Six I/O spasms
Five Blank Cassettes
Four garbled SAVEs
Three loose plugs
Two keyboard bounces
And a glitch on the video screen

@Via 2:5030/108@FidoNet @19941210.033542.87.MSK Itrack

Hello All!

Best regards, Boris

--- Ручка шариковая, цена 2.42.G0614+
* Origin: Minas Anor (2:5020/113)


