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- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED - From : Dmitry Zavalishin 2:5020/32 19 Dec 94 02:09:48 Subj : Windows 95 FAQ :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello All. I think, this message from area L.DZ seems to be interesting: --------------------------- Start Cut ------------------------- From : Alex Ivlev, 2:5002/2.1 (17 Dec 94 18:32) To : Dmitry Zavalishin Subj : Windows 95 FAQ :) --------------------------------------------------------------- --- PC FORMAT, Issue 39 --------------------------------------------------- [by Frankie Fixit] Hello, underlings! This month I'm kindly providing you with all the latest, the most accurate information Microsoft can provide about Chica- er, WINDOWS 95, so you can be fully prepared when it finally limps into view. Q. When will the finished version of Windows 95 be available? A. No comment at this time. Well, we know it's some time in 1995, presumably. But then it depends what you mean by 'finished'. The first commercial batch should be out in March or April... so, allowing the couple of months for initial users to find all the bugs Microsoft managed to miss during the year-and-a-halt beta test period, then a few more months for them to be fixed, bank on seeing a bug-free version some time around November. Well, it's not impossible. Q. Why didn't Microsoft call Chicago 'Windows 4'? It seems to make sense when the last version was 3.1. A. That's just the sort of logical thinking which leads to a stagnant marketplace and a lack of dynamism. This way, you see, Microsoft can release interim versions such as 'Windows 95 Quarter 1', 'Windows 95 Fall' (to confuse overseas buyers), and 'Windows 95 5th October, Mid-Afternoon'. Q. How much will Windows 95 cost? A. No comment at this time. $49, $99, $150, $299, $1999. Take your pick. Q. Will it really run on a 386 with 4Mb of RAM? A. Yes - well, under certain circumstances. Unfortunately, those circumstances are highly classified at the moment, and to release them now would only jeopardise Windows' market position. Q. I've heard that it does away with DOS altogether. Is this true? A. Essentially, yes. Truthfully, no. The fact that you can still shell out to a DOS window; watch the DOS drivers load on boot-up; and decide not to load Windows at all are minor points. DOS is dead - or rather, it's not eating very much and it feels tired all the time. Q. How easy is it to run a demanding game like DOOM under Windows 95? A. Why, it's as easy as filling out two or three pages of stuff which look suspiciously like the Program Information Boxes in Windows 3.1, and which only require you to enter easy, obvious data - such as whether you need to Emulate ROM Functions in Video or whether you want Global Memory Protection. You know, the sort of things a child of four could do. Q. Isn't Personal OS/2 everything Windows 95 claims to be, except it's available right now for a resonable price and is bug-free? A. Hmm. Q. Does anyone actually know a single definite fact about this Windows 95 thing? A. No comment at this time. I hope that's cleared up some of confusion surrounding Windows 95 and put an end to your worry and speculation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Пpиветствую Вас, Dmitry! 4 h.f? Best regards, Alex -+- GoldEd 2.42.G0214+ + Origin: -=■■■ Technological Mind, +357-FAR-AWAY ■■■=- (2:5002/2.1) --------------------------- Final Cut ------------------------- --- * Origin: Silent Infinity Surrounds Your Mind (2:5020/32)