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- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED - From : Mikel Lavrentyev 2:5020/35.1 30 Mar 94 20:53:20 Subj : TelCo's HELP!!! Re: HEHABИЖУ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forwarded from area RU.PHREAKS (Here phreakers do their dirty deeds) * From : Alexey Lobanov,, 2:5030/106.14 (Tuesday March 29 1994 13:37) * To : All * Subj : TelCo's HELP!!! Re: HEHABИЖУ! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= * Forwarded by Alexey Lobanov, (2:5030/106.14) * Area : HST (US Robotics) * From : Thomas Smith, 1:299/500 (19 Mar 94 19:06) * To : Kerry Grissett * Subj : TelCo's HELP!!! ============================================================================= > During that period, the local TelCo installed "new" digital equipment > that was supposed to "improve" the quality of MY service. Now I seem > be the only customer in the Decatur, AL area with the 21.6 modem that > can't get the speed and I have more problems lately with users getting > the carrier dropped on them! First, make *absolutely* *100%* *SURE* that your USR and/or your software isn't causing the problem. I don't mean you should "guess" that it's not the problem - take it to a known good line and start writing down hard numbers (assuming your USR produces any at all <G>). If you're definitely 100% sure that your USR/software's not the problem, read this... "Uncle Bob's G'ar'nteed Fone Fixing Tip" (from an author-unknown text file): 1) Call the phone company and complain about poor data connects. 2) Listen to repair person explain that data transmission isn't covered. 3) Wait a week. Get more and more irritated with each passing day. 4) Call the phone company and complain about "static-y" lines. Explain that data transmission has gone from bad to gone, and that the lines are now very noisy. 5) Listen to recommendations and remember to cheerfully thank repair person. 6) Wait one day. 7) Call the phone company and complain that lines are worse. Insert a lot of "huh?'s" and "what was that again?'s" into the conversation. 8) Mention the amount of your last phone bill. Twice. Make sure you also sum up your past year's total phone bills. 9) When the repair person mentions the weather as a factor, make sure to agree, but insist on having the line checked. Add a few more "what was that?'s". 10)Wait for the line to be checked. 11)Test out the connects again. If the line doesn't get any better, go to step 7 and try again, but louder. Don't sound mad - sound frustrated, and make sure to tell the repair person how much you appreciate his/her help. 12)If the line doesn't get any better after the repair person has checked out your house wiring (if it gets that far), take up a new hobby: calling the phone company repair office whenever you get a free minute. This last step will either get your lines fixed or get you a visit from a phone company repair person (late at night!). Again, make *SURE* your modem is not causing the problem!!! The phone company is responsible for *their* end of the deal - modem problems belong entirely to you! :) Er, moderator: I'm only helping out since Kerry has a USR modem. :) If this is off-topic, I apologize. -+- GEcho/Pro 1.02+ + Origin: The Dark Tower -=- 913-841-1700 -=- Beware of ORCS! (1:299/500) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mikel --- GoldED 2.42.1219 * Origin: имеющие диплом Пеpпетуальной Омнипотенции с отличием.. (2:5020/35.1)