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          Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED, нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/ (координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED -
From : Basil Dolmatov                      2:5020/50.40    31 Mar 94  00:26:58
Subj : Bink and Internet AKAs                                                  
* Forwarded by Alexander Markov (2:5020/188.1)
* From : Lawrence Kellie, 1:343/164 (22 Mar 94 10:41)
* To   : All
* Subj : Bink and Internet AKAs
Hello All!

Thought that I would pass on this tip.....as it caused a little stir in our net,
as you can well imagine.

One of the Nodes decided to add his Internet address as an AKA.  His advice,
Don't try it!  Binkley translated it as 1:343/0, yes the NC.  Needless to say,
it caused some concern, with passwords and all.  So, you may not want to try it.

Nice Chatting with you

-+- - Mouse:  Device that acts like a mini desktop vacuum.
+ Origin: LaRK's Place, in Paradise, (AKA Seattle) Washington (1:343/164)

Hi, All!

Cheers, Basil                                     (The Edifying Cat)

--- GoldED 2.41
* Origin: And our origin has been struck by lightning (2:5020/50.40)


