Архив конференции Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED,
нагло упертый мной с http://hf.kru.to/
(координатор - Евгений Плисс), и переведенный в html :-)
- HUMOR.FILTERED ---------------------------------------------- HUMOR.FILTERED - From : Boris Paleev 2:5020/113 31 Aug 96 18:44:42 Subj : 4 hf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= * Forwarded by Boris Paleev (2:5020/113) * Area : BORIS_IN (Incoming mail) * From : Dmitry Valdov, 2:5015/2 (Fri Aug 30 1996 20:46) * To : Boris Paleev * Subj : 4 hf ============================================================================= @ RFC-Received: from f2.n5015.z2.fidonet.org by f28.n5015.z2.fidonet.org \\twith FTN (ifmail v.2.8c) id AA12887; Fri, 30 Aug 96 21:40:05 +0000 Hello Boris! Вот: === Cut === God's Dating Rules 1) The Woman makes all the rules. 2) The Rules are subject to change at any time without prior notification. 3) The Man may never know more than 55% of the rules at one time. 4) If the Woman suspects that the man knows more than 55% of the rules at any given time she MUST change some or all of the rules. 5) The Woman is NEVER wrong. 6) If the woman is wrong it is because of a FLAGRANT misunderstanding that was a direct result of something the man said or did wrong. 7) If rule 6 applies the man MUST apologize immediately for causing the misunderstanding. 8) The Woman can change her mind at any point in time. 9) The Man may change his mind only with the express written consent of the woman. 10) The Woman has every right to be angry or upset. 11) The Man MUST remain calm at all times. 12) The Woman may NEVER tell the man when she wants him to feel upset or angry. 13) (Female Excuse Clause) If the Woman has PMS all rules are temporarily suspended. === Cut === Dmitry, dv@kis.ru, SVC@irc Quit smoking and it's Easier to sleep. === GoldED/2 2.50+ + Origin: CRC Error (2:5015/2) ============================================================================= Hello All! Best regards, Boris --- Ручка шариковая, цена 2.50+ * Origin: из-под дpевней стены ослепительный чиж (2:5020/113)