Майки Майк ([info]xylitol_q) wrote in [info]kitchen_nax,
@ 2004-10-19 17:36:00

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Entry tags:Американская кухня, Мексиканская кухня, Тушение

Вот такой вопрос.
Кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь варил чили?
Причём т.н. Bowl Of Red, т.е. безо всяких бобов там, мясо+перец+специи?
Причём в домашних условиях?
Поделитесь, если было))

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2004-10-19 05:51 pm (local) (link) Track This
я только с бобами.

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2004-10-19 05:52 pm (local) (link) Track This
а вообще что клали, поделитесь?

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2004-10-19 06:00 pm (local) (link) Track This
ну как что? рубленая говядина, говяжий бульон, несколько стручков чили, красная фасоль, чеснок, томаты.

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2004-10-19 06:01 pm (local) (link) Track This
а чили в стручках откуда?

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2004-10-19 06:05 pm (local) (link) Track This
а я его совершенно случайно обнаружила в ныне покойном китайском супермаркете Тянь Кэ Лун, котороый на новом арбате был. Сушеный, разумеется, а не свежий, но все равно приятно. Еще в прошлом году большой пакет купила, до сих пор не кончился.

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2004-10-19 06:09 pm (local) (link) Track This
а я всё пытаюсь найти по магазинам - безуспешно
на рынках у армян - слабенькие аналоги
причём гораздо чаще свежие

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2004-10-19 06:14 pm (local) (link) Track This
может в измайлово у китайцев поискать, или на сухаревке у индусов?

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2004-10-19 06:16 pm (local) (link) Track This
в принципе тоже идея
вот вроде мне говорили что на паре рынков у армян всё-тки есть
причём сорта разные
их же всего 20 с чем-то))

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2004-10-19 07:08 pm (local) (link) Track This
>их же всего 20 с чем-то>
существенно больше, уверяю вас.

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2004-10-19 07:16 pm (local) (link) Track This
я просто посчитал основные сорта по таблице остроты))

самые лучшие для чили - Халапеньо и Пасилья

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2004-10-19 07:20 pm (local) (link) Track This
>самые лучшие для чили Халапенья и Пасилья>
почему вы так думаете? А Гуахильо?

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2004-10-19 07:23 pm (local) (link) Track This
ну эт на мой вкус по крайней мере))
особенно если готовить, например, на воздухе и перед тем, как положить их в чили, обуглить на углях.

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2004-10-19 10:58 pm (local) (link) Track This
вот вы все такие культурные - а я даже не знаю какой у меня чили. там на пакете все иероглифами :(
и вообще я в чили не разбираюсь. только халапеньо знаю, потому что их в мексиканских кабаках маринованными на закуску подают.

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2004-10-20 09:41 am (local) (link) Track This
а мы эта, книжки читаем

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2004-10-20 10:35 am (local) (link) Track This

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2004-10-20 10:36 am (local) (link) Track This
ну так ё.

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про халапиньо
2004-10-20 11:12 am (local) (link) Track This
Он еще жареный - просто прелесть...
Но для этого его свежим надо купить, а по эту сторону океана у меня это ну никак не получается :(

Кстати. Может кто знает - где он водится ?

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Re: про халапиньо
2004-10-20 11:15 am (local) (link) Track This
точно! жареный и фаршированный сыром!
может в Метро есть? я не верю, что во все текс-мекс кабаки Москвы и Питера халапеньо доставляют самолетами из мексики. наверняка где-то тут покупают.

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2004-10-19 05:53 pm (local) (link) Track This
ну варили, правда con carne, но это без разницы -- бобы всёравно отдельно варяца, а так -- всего поровну -- лук, чищеные помидоры, сладкий перец. чиснок, соль -- по вкусу. варить пока всё не разварица в однородную массу -- добавить обжареный фарш и порошок чили -- так чтоб два раза жгло

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2004-10-19 05:54 pm (local) (link) Track This
но CON CARNE - это значит С МЯСОМ))
это вы самый простецкий назвали
а зачем там сладкий перец? это уже как сальса выходит с мясом)

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2004-10-19 06:04 pm (local) (link) Track This
ну да, конечно

chili con carne (Словарь: Общ. лексика англ.) амер.; исп.; кулинар.(букв. 'жгучий перец с мясом') тушеный говяжий фарш с острым соусом из жгучего красного перца и фасолью (мексиканское блюдо)

т.е. если con carne, то с бобами, но по врубу можно и без них -- типа с начос или какой-другой лепёшкой. а по-сути -- да горячая сальса с мясом -- подавать под тёртым сыром и сметаной -- простецкий деревенский жрач -- главное чтоб его было много -- и чтоб пиво было холодное и водка тоже

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2004-10-19 06:08 pm (local) (link) Track This
да, это точно
я просто варил его неоднократно, причём разные совершенно и по вкусу, и по ингредиентам, и несколько раз варил такой вот "чистый", без бобов
скажу, что под одну глубокую миску выпил 4 баттла пива))
самое главное - вкус сохранить))

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2004-10-19 06:10 pm (local) (link) Track This
да, кстати
нигде в мск кроме как в Стоп-Топ большую мягкую тортилью не видел

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2004-10-19 06:09 pm (local) (link) Track This
а вобще, насколько я понимаю -- сколько в мексике котлов -- столько и рецептов чили. из разных изысков меня больше всего вдохновил такой -- варить бобы с копчёными свинными рёбрышками

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2004-10-19 06:11 pm (local) (link) Track This
да, это вещь!
меня угощали пару раз, так вообще не оторваться))

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2004-10-19 06:24 pm (local) (link) Track This
могу, конешн, рецептом поделиться...))

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2004-10-19 06:32 pm (local) (link) Track This
ну дык! лишний рицепт в капилку не помишает

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2004-10-19 07:07 pm (local) (link) Track This
так вот))
это именно рецепт "чистого"

что нужно:

- 3-4 кусочка копчёного бекона (или сала, можно топлёный жир, тогда 1-2 ст.л.)
- около 1.5 кило постной говядины, очень мелко нарезанной (сгодится и фарш)
- 1-2 больших луковицы
- 4+ зубчиков чеснока
- 1 ст.л. кумина (он же зира)
- 1 чашка говяжьего бульона
- пол-банки или банка пива (либо Dos Equis (светлое) либо Guinness (тёмное)
- 1 ст.л. орегано (он же душица)
- 1 ч.л. молотых семян кориандра
- 1 ч.л. тмина
- 2+ средних сушёных стручка чили (Jalapeno) или 1 ст.л. чили-порошка или 2.5 ст.л. чили-смеси.
- около чайной ложки уксуса (спиртовой или яблочный)
- острый сыр (топпинг)

пиво и бульон можно заменить томатным соком или резаными томатами.

собснэ рецепт:
мясо режете очень маленькими кусочками, раскладываете на доске и аккуратно сбрызгиваете уксусом (уксуса - буквально на глазок, для запаха, очень мало!).
берёте большую кастрюлю и ставите на минимальный огонь. мелко-мелко нарезаете бекон и растапливаете его в кастрюле. как только жир вышел и остались шкварки - выньте их шумовкой.
в несколько заходов обжарьте всё мясо так, чтобы оно не покрылось корочкой (чуть-чуть) и выньте из кастрюли на тарелку.
в это же время посушите зиру, тмин и душицу на сковородке до появления лёгкого запаха. растолките мелко смешайте с кориандром (можно взять и уже готовые молотые специи, но так выделяется больше эфирных масел).
мелко порежьте лук и обжарьте в кастрюле до прозрачности.
далее зависит от перца:
если он сушёный - два варианта:
либо провариваете его в сковородке с минимальным количеством воды, после чего
прокручиваете в блендере
либо рвёте на мелкие кусочки и кидаете прямо в лук
далее засыпаете мясо, шкварки и чеснок
перемешиваете, добавляете специи, ещё раз тщательно перемешиваете
добавляете сначала бульон, потом пиво так, чтобы жидкость покрыла мясо (в принципе, жидкость на ваше усмотрение, главное, чтобы она чуть-чуть покрывала мясо).
доводите до кипения и кипятите не дольше минуты.
опять самый маленький огонь (миниммум половинка-максимум 1.5)
перемешиваете и оставляете тушиться минимум минут на 40.
по мере готовки перемешиваете-солите по вкусу и добавляете красный\чёрный перец.

если хотите острее - можете воткнуть туда 2+ целый вычищенный сушёный перец.
если мало чеснока - можно вмешать 1 ч.л. чеснока в порошке.
можно добавить лавровый лист (не больше 2х средних лстиков).

чтоб было понажористей - можете добавить 2-3 средних банки красной фасоли.
самая лучшая и неоднократно апробированная - Бондюэль с Мексиканским соусом.

есть посыпав тёртым Чеддаром или любым другим твёрдым острым сыром.
можно сверху сметану и порезанный лук.
обязательно с пивом.
и запомните - все ингредиенты вы регулируете САМИ по вкусу!

всё вроде))

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2004-10-20 11:34 am (local) (link) Track This
Есть у меня одна книжечка об американской кухне, так в ней страниц 15 о чили.
Если хотите могу перевести рецепты. Когда -то делал, получается неплохо.

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Re: ST
2004-10-20 11:57 am (local) (link) Track This
в принципе, если не сложно, можете скинуть на мыл


и не переводите ни в коем случае))) мы и сами с усами))

я неоднократно готовил его, но вдруг там что-то новенькое?

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Re: ST
2004-10-20 12:16 pm (local) (link) Track This
Хорошо, в ближайшие пару дней.

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Re: ST
2004-10-20 03:51 pm (local) (link) Track This
даже и не думайте ни на какие имейлы слать. Размещать только здесь. Это приказ.

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2004-10-21 04:43 pm (local) (link) Track This
Итак, о любознательные специи души моей, во исполнении приказа товарища Вредителя, вчера мною был прокопан штрек сквозь шкафы и прочую утварь (Всевышний ниспослал ремонт на мою квартиру) и с помощью ‘веревки и палки’ извлечена книга “The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American” by Jeff Smith. Avon Books NY. 1990. Сегодня я сосканировал (распознал и убрал ляпы распознования) главу этой книги, посвященную чили. От перевода меня удержало наличие растительности на верхней губе некоторых товарищей.

Most Americans think that the wonderful rich, beefy, and beany dish that we call chili came from some other culture. Mexico, perhaps, or Spain. Not so. I am afraid that both Mexico and Spain refuse to have anything to do with what we call good old American chili. One Mexican dictionary goes so far as to scornfully describe chili as "А detestable food with а false Mexican name sold in the United States from Texas to New York City." Hey, watch that! The rest of the country loves. chili, too!
The original dish is truly American, though 1 have found that а lot of Americans in different locales claim that it was invented in their backyard. After much research (two days) I have come to the following unquestionable decision. Chili was invented in San Antonio, Texas, in 1840. It was а blend of dried beef, beef fat, chili powder and spices, and salt. It was pressed into а brick and it was so potent that it would not spoil quickly. It was then taken by the prospectors to the California gold fields. There it could be reconstituted with water and cooked with beans. It was very much like the pemmican that had been used in earlier times but with spices added. Please note that there is а difference between plain powdered chile and chili powder. Chili powder is а mixture of spices. See hint below.
San Antonio has the distinct privilege in history of laying claim to "Chili Queens." These ladies had little carts and tables and would appear late in the evening and sell chili and whatnot...I expect more whatnot was sold than chili. They were forced to close down in 1943 due to city health regulations of some sort... mostly sort.
I would have thought that all of Texas would have been involved in wonderful chili. But in 1890, when chili arrived in McKinney, а town just north of Dallas all blazes broke loose. It seems that some wayward ministers claimed that chili was "the soup of the devil- food as hot as hell' s brimstone." I wonder if these clergy ever bothered to taste а good pot of chili.
This very American dish spread throughout the country and in 1985 the canned chili industry (Lord, only in America) claimed that 240 million pounds had been sold, grossing $254 million. I am repulsed by canned chili and I urge you to make your own. It is not complex and you will become famous in your own dining room.

PLAIN CHILI POWDER: If а recipe calls for plain chili powder, then you ask the merchant in your Mexican or Latin American shop for just that. You do not want spices in the mixture.

HINT: On Making Your Own Chili Powder.
Remember that chile and chili are different. Chile is ground chile pods. Chili is а blend of spices. Commercial chili powders are made of ground chile (see above for your kind), ground cumin, oregano, garlic powder, and salt. Some even contain sugar. I would suggest the following proportions:

12 dried, cored, and seeded chiles (I use 10 pasilla and 2 ancho chiles)
3/4 tablespoon freshly ground cumin
1 tablespoon whole oregano leaves
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
Place all in your medium-sized food processor or food blender and grind until fine. Use as you will in your chili recipes. Your version will have а much brighter flavor than commercial chili powder. If you wish to make it hotter, add cayenne pepper to taste. You will have your own blend going in no time.
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2004-10-21 04:47 pm (local) (link) Track This
Продолжение 1

This recipe comes from the Southwest Indians Santa Fе, where this kind of chili has been popular for many generations. The title of the dish simply refers to chili cooked with meat. There are no beans about it.
Prepare а double batch of Blended Red Chile Pods *

3 tablespoons cooking oil or shortening
2 pounds я1ем beef, cut into '/г-inch cubes
4 tablespoons flour
2 cans (8 ounces each) tomato sauce (optional)
Heat а Dutch oven or heavy kettle and add the oil or shortening. Brown the meat well. Stir ш the flour, being careful to coat the meat well. Add 1.5 cups water, stir- ring carefully until the mixture thickens. Add the Blended Red Chile Pods and the optional tomato sauce. Cover and simmer for 1 hour or until the meat is very tender.
That is the basic dish. It can be served with beans or just as it is. You might try serving this over corn bread for а very delicious meal. If you wish to cook beans in the meat sauce, first soak the beans overnight. Then simmer them until tender. Drain and add to the chili con carne and cook for about 1 hour before serving.


7-8 whole dried chile pods, seeded and deveined
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon salt
Choose the dried chiles for your dish. They range in "heat" from mild to very hot... so ask your merchant to point the way. Prepare the chiles by slitting or cracking them open and removing the seeds and veins. The seeds and veins are what make the chiles hot, so you should clean the peppers according to how hot you wish them to be. Place the chile skins in а bowl and add enough hot tap water to cover. А11ои them to sit for 1 hour and then drain, reserving the liquid. Place the pepper skins in а blender and add enough of the water to bring the total amount in your machine to 1 pint. Add the garlic, oregano, and salt. Blend until thick and smooth.

The title may sound а little strange to you, and 1 will admit that normally beans are not actually cooked in the green chile stew. But, on the other hand, beans in this stew are delicious.
Make а batch of Green Chile Stew with Pork ** and add cooked beans. Simmer for an additional 0.5-hour and serve. Put some sharp cheese and green onions on top.

** Green Chile Stew with Pork
3 pounds boneless pork, cubed (0.5 inch pieces)
3 tablespoons peanut oil
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 medium tomatoes, diced
7 green chiles, roasted, peeled, seeded, and chopped
4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
Chicken Soup Stock or canned chicken broth or water to cover (not bouillon)
Salt to taste
La Victoria brand salsa jalapeno (if you dare)
Brown the pork in the oil, doing so in 2 or 3 batches. Use а large black frying pan so that the meat will brown quickly.
Place the meat in а 3- or 4-quart covered oven casserole and add the next ingredients. Deglaze the frying pan with the chicken broth or water and add to the pot. Barely cover the ingredients with chicken broth or water. Chicken broth may make this too rich for you, so you might try just water or half of each.
Cover and simmer until the stew is thick and the meat very tender, about 1.5hours.
Add salt to taste before serving.
If the stew is not hot enough for you, add а bit of 1а Victoria salsa jalapeno. This is wonderful, but be саге- ful. It' s hot!
Pueblo tradition calls for the addition of corn or potatoes to this dish. I prefer it without. It makes а wonderful filling for enchiladas.
Patty and I simply serve а big green salad with this dish... and а pile of wheat tortillas. Then we take the telephone off the hook!

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2004-10-21 04:49 pm (local) (link) Track This
Продолжение 2

***HINT: On Preparing Cooked Beans for Chili With Beans.
Chili with beans has а much better flavor if you use dried beans and cook them yourself rather than using canned beans. Simply soak the needed amount of red kidney or other beans in ample water overnight. Then simmer until tender. The beans are then drained and added to the chili. Cook the beans in the chili sauce and simmer for 1 to 1.5more hours.

TЕХАХ CHILI Serves 6, at least
This old version does not call for dried meat as the original probably did, but it does call for good beef chuck, not fatty hamburger. No, real Texas chili need not have beans at all!
1-tablespoon whole cumin seeds
0.25-pound bacon, diced
2 pounds beef chuck roast, trimmed of fat, cut into 1/8-inch dice
3 yellow onions, peeled and chopped
6 cloves garlic, diced fine
6 fresh jalapeno peppers seeded and chopped
2 teaspoons salt
4 tablespoons plain powdered chile, or more to taste, or 4 tablespoons commercial chili powder
1-tablespoon whole oregano leaves
1 can (28 ounces) tomatoes

Place the cumin seeds in а pie pan and toast in 375F oven for 10 minutes. Remove and set aside.
Heat a 6-quarter kettle and sauté the bacon until clear.
Add the diced meat and brown over high heat along, with the onions, garlic, and jalapenos.
When the meat is brown and the onions clear, add the remaining ingredients. Mash up the tomatoes with your hands, but add the juice as well. Simmer for 1 hour and correct the seasoning.
Cooked beans can be added to this, but they are strictly optional.

My mother, Emily Smith, doesn'1 even remember where she picked up this recipe, but she has been making it since I was а child. It is pretty basic American chili, but you can soup it up with cayenne, Tabasco, more chili powder, or anything else you can think of.
1 pound lean hamburger
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 large yellow onion, peeled and chopped
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
3 tablespoons hot commercial chili powder, or to taste
1 tablespoon whole cumin seeds

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 large can (28 ounces) tomatoes, pureed in а blender
1 green sweet bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 pound kidney beans, soaked and cooked as *** and drained
Salt to taste
Brown the beef in the oil, along with the onion, garlic, and chili powder. When the meat is brown and the onion clear, drain the fat and add remaining ingredients, including the beans. Simmer for at least 1.5 hours or until all is flavorful and the beans are very tender. This is better the second day.
NOTE: My mother is convinced that cooking the chili powder with the meat is much better than simply putting the chili powder into the total mixture. 1 am convinced as well!
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2004-10-21 04:51 pm (local) (link) Track This
Продолжение 3

This is а great dish! I simply use black beans, sometimes: called turtle beans, in place of the kidney beans and use Emily's recipe. The nature of the bean completely changes the chili, and the result is just delightful.

I owe this one to а very fine Chicago chef, Michael Foley. He has several restaurants in the Windy City and I am one of his fans. He adds fresh ginger to а good heavy chili and serves it as а first course.
You do the same by adding 2 or 3 tablespoons of grated fresh ginger to Emily’s recipe above. I also throw a glass of red wine. This will surprise your most severe chili critic.

LAMB CHILI Serves 4 - 6
There is а very fine young chef by the name of Jimmy Schmidt, who runs а restaurant in Denver called The Rattlesnake Club. (Lord, only in Denver!) He is very skilled and recently served me а chili made with lamb. This is not his recipe, it is mine. But he is certainly the inspiration. You must go to his restaurant.
2 pounds lamb, trimmed of fat and cut into 1/4- inch dice
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 yellow onion, peeled and diced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons plain chili powder, or more to taste
1 tablespoon whole cumin seeds
1 teaspoon whole oregano leaves
2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
2 green sweet bell peppers, seeded and chopped
3 ripe tomatoes, diced
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 pound kidney beans, soaked, cooked, and drained (***)
Salt to taste
In а large Dutch oven brown the lamb in the olive oil, along with the onion, garlic, chili powder, and cumin seeds. When the meat is browned and the onion clear, add the remaining ingredients, including the cooked beans. You may need to add а bit of water to cover everything. Cover and simmer for 1.5 hours, watching that the dish does not dry out.
At The Rattlesnake Club they serve lamb chili topped with avocado and рарауа chunks, along with а dollop of soft goat cheese. Don' t ask me.I couldn’t figure it out either! But, Lamb Chili is а wonderful dish.
Продолжение завтра.

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2004-10-21 05:44 pm (local) (link) Track This
Считаем, что наступило завтра.
Продолжение 4


This one has to be different. If it came from California, it is unusual and probably has sprouts in it, or at least avocado. Try this. No avocado, but chicken and а very mild chili sauce from а jar. It is really а great dish, although one should not confuse it with the old-line chili cookers' product.

1 pound kidney beans, soaked, cooked, and drained (***)
1 chicken, cut up and browned (I do this in а 400F oven.)
3 tablespoons olive oil
4 cloves garlic, sliced
3 yellow onions, peeled and chopped
1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
2 cups chili sauce (catsup section of supermarket)
4 tomatoes, chopped
2 green sweet bell peppers, seeded and chopped
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 cup red wine
Salt to taste
Cook the beans and brown the chicken. Heat а large frying pan and add the oil. Saute the garlic, onions, cumin seeds, and jalapeno peppers until the onions are clear. Add all to а heavy pot and bring to а simmer. Cook for 1 hour.

This is certainly an interesting dish, though а bit unusual. The story goes that а young chef from Macedonia arrived in Cincinnati and opened а chili stand. He added additional spices, as per his background, and Cincinnati chili was born. Note that this recipe calls for some sweet spices such as cinnamon and allspice, and cocoa. Some recipes also call for nutmeg.
The method of serving is а bit unusual, too. The chili is normally not made with beans. So, when you order Cincinnati chili you get а bowl of meat and spices. When you order it "two way," the sauce comes on а pile of spaghetti. When you order it "three way," you get spaghetti topped with chili and grated Cheddar cheese. А "four way™ adds chopped yellow onions and а "five way" adds the fifth ingredient, beans. You can have great fun with this and 1 expect that your children will think up some additional "ways" of serving this delicious dish.

2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 pound lean pork, coarsely ground
1-pound hamburger
4 yellow onions, peeled and chopped
6 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
1 tablespoon whole cummin seeds
4 tablespoons hot chili powder, commercial
3 whole bay leaves
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons allspice
2 teaspoons Tabasco
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons Worcestershire
4 tablespoons white vinegar
1 can (28 ounces) tomatoes, pureed
1 tablespoon oregano
2 pounds kidney beans, soaked and cooked (***)
Salt to taste
Heat а 12-quart heavy stockpot and add the oil. Saute the pork, hamburger, onions, garlic, cumin seeds, chili powder, and bay leaves until the meat is barely browned and the onions clear. Drain the fat and discard.
Add the remaining ingredients, including the beans, and bring to а simmer. Cook, covered, for 1.5 hours or until the beans are very tender. You may need to add water to this dish as it cooks.
Now, you must decide if you are to have it one, two, three, four, or five way. You might even think up а sixth way! The additional condiments that you might wish are cooked spaghetti, grated Cheddar cheese, and chopped yellow onions.

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2004-10-21 05:47 pm (local) (link) Track This
Продолжение 6

Fred Winston, а Chicago disc jockey and man about town, makes the basic chili recipe sing with the addition of beer, paprika, jalapeno peppers, Tabasco, red peppers, and brown sugar. Yes, this all goes into the same pot with the normal chili recipe. It is really а very good dish. He even sells the stuff! 1 am telling you this so that you will gain some nerve in your chili cooking. I have heard of everything going into а chili pot, including peanut butter.
Fred, do you think peanut butter is а bit strange for chili? I didn’t think you would.

We recently invited firehouse cooks to send in their favorite recipes. We ran а contest and the results can be seen on pages 391 - 401. The most frequently submitted dish was chili. That makes great sense since fire- house cooks often have to stop cooking right in the middle of the preparation of the dish and then come back to it later. The dish needs to stand up to this kind of treatment. Chili can take it. We have chosen two of the most interesting chili dishes and offer them to you without any explanation. While chili didn’t' win the con test, we certainly did gain some insight into the meaning of chili.

10 - 75 CHILI SERVES 10-12

Robert Vazquez, of Engine Company 212 in Brooklyn, New York, sent in а recipe that caught the eyes of all of us. He offered strange additions that made me think this man is а serious cook; additions such as saffron and shallots. You would not think that these subtle and expensive ingredients would come through, but they do. This is а delicious dish!
I should also tell you that Bob's motto is "You light 'em, we fight 'em!" He is referring to chili?
2 pounds ground round
1 pound bulk Italian sausage
4 cups Basic Brown Soup Stock or canned beef broth
1 teaspoon saffron threads
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons commercial chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups coarsely chopped shallots
2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
1 can (10 ounces) green chiles, chopped fine
Black pepper, freshly ground, to taste
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
1 can (30 ounces) red kidney beans, drained
In а large, heavy skillet, brown ground meat and sausage. Transfer to а 4-quart pot. In the same skillet add beef stock and bring to а boil. Remove stock from heat. Crumble saffron and add to the stock. Set this aside in а separate bowl. Add olive oil to the skillet and cook the shallots and garlic for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Add canned chiles, oregano, cumin seeds, cayenne pepper, chili powder, salt, and а few grindings of black pepper. Stir together, then add tomato paste and beef stock. Mix together thoroughly. Add this to the meat and bring to а boil. Stir, Reduce heat and simmer in half-covered pot for 1.5 hours. Add beans 10 minutes before completion.

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2004-10-21 05:51 pm (local) (link) Track This
Сбился 6 значит 5

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2004-10-21 05:54 pm (local) (link) Track This

Everybody knows that there is no such thing as а 19-alarm fire. Why, that would mean that babies, life- guards, bartenders, everyone, would have to show up to fight it! However, Frank Jacobson of the Chicago Fire Department thinks his chili requires 19 alarms. I am ready!
Please note that he makes this in small batches. If you do not know what а #10 can is, figure on just under а gallon.
1 #10 can tomato puree
1 #10 can whole peeled tomatoes, chopped
6 pounds good ground beef
1 large yellow onion, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup commercial chili powder, or more to taste
3 tablespoons whole oregano leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
1 #10 can red kidney beans, drained

Cheddar cheese, grated Sour cream
Yellow onions, peeled and diced

In а large pot bring the tomato puree and whole tomatoes to а slow boil. While this is heating, brown the pound beef with chopped onion. Add this to the tomato mixture. Add chili powder and simmer for 1 hour. Add oregano, salt, and pepper to taste ап4 simmer 15 minutes. Add kidney beans and simmer 30 minutes.
Serve in а bowl with Cheddar cheese on top and а 3ollop of sour cream placed in the center. Diced yellow onions complete the garnish.
"Following the meal have Rolaids available.”
Вот и все.

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2004-10-19 10:00 pm (local) (link) Track This
что в нём сложного?

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